How Did Bungy Jumping Become So Popular?
Some people love anything that is new. Some people love anything that is adventurous. Put both of those key elements together and it is easy to see how bungy jumping very quickly went from being one individual inventing an elastic rope and tossing himself off high structures to a legitimate sport which has gained worldwide popularity in a relatively short period of time. Twenty-five years ago no one had heard of bungy jumping; today, it is all the rage-- everywhere!
Some people love anything that is new. Some people love anything that is adventurous. Put both of those key elements together and it is easy to see how bungy jumping very quickly went from being one individual inventing an elastic rope and tossing himself off high structures to a legitimate sport which has gained worldwide popularity in a relatively short period of time. Twenty-five years ago no one had heard of bungy jumping; today, it is all the rage-- everywhere!
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Bungy jumping is one sport for which the aspect of newness is constant. Whether a person is attempting his very first jump or has made it a consistent part of his lifestyle, the element of adventure is such that each and every jump is a fresh experience. Even if you frequent the same bungy jumping sites on a regular basis, this is a sport in which every experience is different, and each time feels like the first time. Adventure-seekers of all ages and backgrounds will delight in this factor, because no matter how long you engage in the sport of bungy jumping it is something which will never become routine. The excitement is present whether it is your first jump or your twentieth!
The overwhelming sense of adventure helps in making bungy jumping so popular. There are many people who are naturally drawn to all of the aspects of thrill-seeking, from the adrenalin rush it has on one's entire system to the knowledge that one is essentially risking life and limb and hoping to win the game. There are no other sports that compare in these factors, which makes bungy jumping quite unique.
For those who have the time and resources to travel, this too plays a positive role in bungy jumping's popularity. While it isn't difficult to find a jumping site convenient to one's home area, companies which offer bungy jumping expeditions add to the enjoyment, as do faraway locations which make the bungy jumping experience a great vacation.
For individuals who have youth on their side, many feel the desire to experience everything that life can possibly offer. The more, the better; and the more intense, the more better yet. For the many who wish to try every extreme that can be found, this sport presents the most unforgettable experience. Those who feel the need to "try everything once" will find nothing lacking in bungy jumping! Being able to capture it on videotape for future reference, and to share with less-adventurous colleagues, is certainly an added bonus. Your bungy jumping experience on videotape could also be the factor needed to prod others into trying the sport for themselves.
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Sometime in the future surely someone will feel the need to analyze this sport and what its allure is to those who choose to engage in it either as a hobby or a lifestyle. It would make more sense, though, to merely describe bungy jumping as fun-- and that in itself is a good enough reason for its popularity.
Adventure Sailing is More Fun When You Own The Yacht
You can charter adventure sailing vacation to almost any destination in the world. The only problem is that it will cost you a lump sum paying for the crew, the meals and the fuel for the trip. You can probably save money on a sailing vacation when you own the yacht but only if you know how to navigate and control it.
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The advantage of owning a boat is that you can go on a sailing vacation at anytime. You don’t have to call your travel agent or make any reservation online since the boat is just sitting at the dock waiting for you to come aboard. The only thing you have to do is buy food and fuel which should be enough to get you back to port.
The boat also brings financial benefits because when you are not using it, this can be rented out to those who want to go on their own sailing vacation as long as they are able to pay your rate. This of course means additional revenue for you so the ship stays in good shape.
This makes it also ideal for those who want to conduct business on board because this is a tax deductible once you register your boat as a place of business. To see how this works, get in touch with your tax advisor
Another financial benefit of owning your own yacht is the fact that this is considered to be a second home. This is as long as the boat has at least one berth, a permanent galley and a head which is the requirement of the IRS.
If you can’t buy your own yacht, there is something called fractional boat ownership which means for a certain period during the year, you can do whatever you want with the boat. This will allow you to use it to go on a trip with your family.
The best thing about this is that a group of you share the cost of owning the yacht which already includes its maintenance, insurance, moorage, equipment, fuel and repairs.
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This can only happen of course after you have completed a boating safety class and a safety orientation. This will not be a problem for you if you are already certified to sail a boat and know how to use all the equipment like charts, compass and GPS on board.
The other option is to join a boat club. Unlike part time sharing, you don’t get to own a boat. But as a member, you are entitled to up to 4 advanced reservations at any given time and access to powerboats or to sailboats that are up to 30 feet in length. The club for its part will shoulder all the other expenses such as maintenance, cleaning, storage and insurance.
There are many of then around so you won’t have a hard time choosing one. Some cater to one market while others cater to all. They also offer boating classes for those who want to do this for fun or commit themselves in the sport.
Adventure sailing vacation is truly better when you own the yacht as the only thing you have to do is drive on over to the docks, stow your gear on board and then sail off into the sunset.
Basketball and its Rules
Basketball was invented in a pursuit for an indoor game, which would provide complete fitness. Dr James Naismith, a Canadian physical instructor, wrote down the basic rule for the game after initial rejection of many ideas, at a YMCA Training School. This game was officially played for the first time on January 20, 1892, in the YMCA Gymnasium, at Springfield College. Women began playing basketball in 1892, at Smith College, and different sets of rules were laid down for them.
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This is a team sport where two teams, consisting of nine members each, throw ball into a ten-foot high basket of the opponent in order to get a score. While one team member aims for the basket, member of the other team prevents him from doing so. The team that has the highest score wins the game. The ball is dribbled and carried forward. In competitive basketball variation there are lot of regulations and the handling of the ball is restricted. Less regulated versions have been developed for recreational purposes and in some countries, this game is considered as spectator sport.
Initially a soccer ball was used in basketball after which a brown colored ball was introduced. But to increase the visibility of the ball to the players and spectators alike the color was changed to orange, in 1950s by Tony Hinkle. Initially dribbling wasn't a part of the game. It was included in the game in the 1950s.
Different versions have different rules and time limits. According to NBA, some of the rules have been discussed here. The basketball court should be 94 X 50 feet. There should be baskets on two opposite ends of the court. The court is either made out of wood or cement. The ten feet high basket is made out of steel rim with a net attached. One score, also called shot, is counted as two points or three points when aimed from a distance of 7.24 meter. The game is divided into four quarters which each of them with a time limit of twelve minutes.
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A break of fifteen minutes is allowed after the first two quarter and in between each quarter, there is a break of two minutes. In the third quarter, both the teams exchange their baskets. At a time five members of each team are present on the court. Permission is given to have up to seven substitutes. Other than the coach assistant coaches, statisticians, managers, trainers and doctors assists a team. Other equipments, other than the ball, required during the game are scoreboard, score sheets, clocks, stop clocks, whistles, and alternating possession arrows.
The male and the female player require to wear a pair of shorts and a jersey with clear number printed on the front and the back. High-top sneakers can be worn to provide extra ankle support. Sometimes the coach can request clock stoppages in between the game, if he wants to discuss something important with his team members. Usually three referees watch over the game. Other things like timekeeping, fouls by an individual or a team, score, team possession arrow, shot clock and player substitutions are taken care of by the table officials.
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Over the period of time, various positions have been developed in basketball. Initially there were one guard, two forwards, and two centers or two guards, two forwards, and one center. Later on point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward and center positions were added.
Actions, which lead to violations are double dribbling, traveling, and carrying the ball and shot clock. Foul is illegal physical contact with the opponent team members, which would hinder them.
The other variations of the professional basketball are wheelchair basketball for the physically handicapped, water basketball to be played in a swimming pool, beach basketball which has very few or no regulations, half court game which has only one basket, and street ball and one-on-one which has two players and smaller court.
If basketball is something you love, or your profession we recommend you to check out some tips and secrets how to improve your game: FOLKERSYSTEM VERT SHOCK
Fitness & Wellness
You pick up the magazines each day, and you’re bombarded with health and fitness information. Advertisements and articles that are designed to impart much needed information to the reader about the state of fitness and health in America today, and what we as responsible citizens should do. I want you to stop, and think for just one moment. How do you determine your current fitness and wellness levels? Does your regular doctor as you each time you go if you believe yourself to be fit and well? Probably not. Nor does he give you any method for determining the status on your own. Fitness centers abound in this country, and most are staffed with counselors who can test your fitness level. What about your wellness level? Are they one and the same? They are not one and the same, yet they rely heavily on each other to keep you healthy.
Being fit and being well are totally different conditions. Your wellness rating is dependent upon your immune system, and what vitamins, supplements, and nutrition you provide for your immune system. Fit people can sometimes be unwell. And well people can sometimes be unfit. However, when you do combine the two, and use sound principles based on clean living, exercise, and healthy eating, you attain a state of equilibrium where you are both fit and well.
Most individuals do not take the time to completely understand the advantages of being both fit and well. We read and absorb the information we’re given through the media and health organizations, without ever pondering if we’re receiving all the information we need, or simply the part that is profitable to be seen or heard. Fitness gyms need your monthly fees in order to remain operational. They have no real concern about the condition of your immune system. Physical fitness is a condition of the body alone. Hospitals and doctors need you as a patient in order to remain operational; they want you to know you need to be fit and well, but often leave out important pieces that affect your wellness and, therefore, your ability to be fit.
What about eating habits? What about vitamins? What role does our daily intake play in our health, our wellness, and our fitness? More than you have been lead to believe or understand. The body’s ability to remain well under anything other than ideal conditions is a direct result of the nutrition received on a daily basis. The mind’s ability to remain well is, again, a direct result of our nutrition intake. For instance, the human brain doesn’t develop well without the necessary input of protein in our daily diet. No protein, no intelligence. No intelligence, then none of the other states is attainable.
Our spiritual input is a determining factor when establishing our fitness level. We all need the benefit of spiritual reflection, as a way of cleansing ourselves of the stress of our daily life. Spirituality is a way of assuring ourselves of a renewing, and rebirth of ourselves as humans. Fitness encompasses our body’s health, as a whole and in this respect it includes the mind. It is a condition of the whole body. Fitness is a condition of wellness for our physical body.
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Being fit and being well are totally different conditions. Your wellness rating is dependent upon your immune system, and what vitamins, supplements, and nutrition you provide for your immune system. Fit people can sometimes be unwell. And well people can sometimes be unfit. However, when you do combine the two, and use sound principles based on clean living, exercise, and healthy eating, you attain a state of equilibrium where you are both fit and well.
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What about eating habits? What about vitamins? What role does our daily intake play in our health, our wellness, and our fitness? More than you have been lead to believe or understand. The body’s ability to remain well under anything other than ideal conditions is a direct result of the nutrition received on a daily basis. The mind’s ability to remain well is, again, a direct result of our nutrition intake. For instance, the human brain doesn’t develop well without the necessary input of protein in our daily diet. No protein, no intelligence. No intelligence, then none of the other states is attainable.
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Often parents are left wondering how to make their kids busy in summer time. Some kids end up spending boring summers and some kids take full advantage of it mainly due to their parents smart planning. There are plenty of choices available to make your kid’s summer full of fun and excitement and a memorable one.
One of the best ways to make the summer fun filled is to buy swing and slide for your kids. But make sure
you buy a range that allows you to add different accessories to the frame to serve the needs of growing children. One can add spice by having a choice of wing seats, and then add a slide, a goal net. One can also go for tarpaulin shelf which makes a perfect roof for a kid’s den. The choice is up to the parents as to how kids would like to swing, single or in groups.
Another good summer pastime is to let kids enjoy some domestic activities like making cookies of their names. They can also make numeric cookies like their age to invoke interest in them. The advantage of this is, the kids have both fun and they also learn at the same time. The enamel tin that stores these cutters can be found at any cooking shop.
One of the better ideas for summer is the paddling pool. The pools are big enough to hold several children. The pool comes with ground sheet, filter and cover. One can also purchase a ladder to help kids who are too small to climb.
Another marvelous idea is kite flying. Buy your kids a kite making kit. This not only keeps the kids busy and happy but it also increases their creativity. Kids love flying kids. So once the weather is ideal for flying kids, take your kids out for flying kites.
Nobody can beat swimming when it comes to summer sports. It’s the best way to beat the heat in summer along with unlimited fun it offers. It is also a good form of exercise which tones up the body muscles. For those kids who don’t know swimming, summers are best time to learn it when many schools and camps offer swimming classes. If your kids know swimming, you can enroll them in swimming competitions held by community and schools. Apart from that sending your kids for regular swimming practice in summer also helps them fine tune their swimming skills.
Another idea is to install giant snakes and ladders in your lawn. The players can themselves act as the counter and move up ladders and down snakes. The game would need at least two layers. The game is a lot of fun for kids of any age as they will enjoy running around.
Kids can also be enrolled in basketball camps. Some prestigious schools also invite state level coaches and Olympic players as special guests to train kids. This is the best time to learn basketball from a professional perspective.
Tennis is another summer time sport which can keep kids busy in summer. The game is packed with excitement, requires and builds a lot of stamina. Many popular international players started playing tennis since they were kids and earned a name for them in the sport. The kids learn things easily, so this is the right age to tap their talent and make a future out of the summer sports.
Often parents are left wondering how to make their kids busy in summer time. Some kids end up spending boring summers and some kids take full advantage of it mainly due to their parents smart planning. There are plenty of choices available to make your kid’s summer full of fun and excitement and a memorable one.
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One of the best ways to make the summer fun filled is to buy swing and slide for your kids. But make sure
you buy a range that allows you to add different accessories to the frame to serve the needs of growing children. One can add spice by having a choice of wing seats, and then add a slide, a goal net. One can also go for tarpaulin shelf which makes a perfect roof for a kid’s den. The choice is up to the parents as to how kids would like to swing, single or in groups.
Another good summer pastime is to let kids enjoy some domestic activities like making cookies of their names. They can also make numeric cookies like their age to invoke interest in them. The advantage of this is, the kids have both fun and they also learn at the same time. The enamel tin that stores these cutters can be found at any cooking shop.
One of the better ideas for summer is the paddling pool. The pools are big enough to hold several children. The pool comes with ground sheet, filter and cover. One can also purchase a ladder to help kids who are too small to climb.
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Another marvelous idea is kite flying. Buy your kids a kite making kit. This not only keeps the kids busy and happy but it also increases their creativity. Kids love flying kids. So once the weather is ideal for flying kids, take your kids out for flying kites.
Nobody can beat swimming when it comes to summer sports. It’s the best way to beat the heat in summer along with unlimited fun it offers. It is also a good form of exercise which tones up the body muscles. For those kids who don’t know swimming, summers are best time to learn it when many schools and camps offer swimming classes. If your kids know swimming, you can enroll them in swimming competitions held by community and schools. Apart from that sending your kids for regular swimming practice in summer also helps them fine tune their swimming skills.
Another idea is to install giant snakes and ladders in your lawn. The players can themselves act as the counter and move up ladders and down snakes. The game would need at least two layers. The game is a lot of fun for kids of any age as they will enjoy running around.
Kids can also be enrolled in basketball camps. Some prestigious schools also invite state level coaches and Olympic players as special guests to train kids. This is the best time to learn basketball from a professional perspective.
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Tennis is another summer time sport which can keep kids busy in summer. The game is packed with excitement, requires and builds a lot of stamina. Many popular international players started playing tennis since they were kids and earned a name for them in the sport. The kids learn things easily, so this is the right age to tap their talent and make a future out of the summer sports.
The Top Five Ski Resorts
If you are planning to take a ski trip this winter, you may be wondering where you should go. There are so many great ski resorts out there to select from, but if you want the best of the best you need to continue reading this article. The top ranked ski resort is in British Columbia called the Apex Mountain Resort. The get more than 200 inches of natural snow each year and offer more than 60 ski slopes.
Most people like Apex Mountain Resort because they offer a wide variety of slopes based on skill level. Approximately ½ of their slopes are for intermediate skiers and they have more for advanced skiers than most other ski resorts. It is also a very affordable ski resort with plenty of activities to do in the evening.
In the state of New Hampshire you will find Bretton Woods which is a wonderful ski resort as well. They have more than 100 slopes and 9 ski lifts so you won’t be left waiting in line to get to the top of the mountains. The get approximately 200 inches of snow each year and offer plenty of options for cross country skiing and snowboarding.
While Bretton Woods only offers about 20 slopes for expert skiers, many of them are said to be the very best in the world. One in particular called Bode’s Run is definitely worth the challenge for any expert skiers that are able to tackle what ever they come across.
Colorado is well known as one of the top ski locations, and you won’t be disappointed with Copper Mountain. It has plenty to offer with 125 ski slopes and 22 ski lifts. There is plenty of variety of beginners including quality lessons for adults and children, intermediate slopes, advanced, and expert. They are also one of the few ski resorts to offer an all day childcare facility so you can take on the slopes and not worry about your children.
Okemo is found in Ludlow, Vermont and offers a complete ski resort that is perfect for the entire family to enjoy. This is a smaller size ski resort but one that offers plenty of charm and beauty for everyone to enjoy. They have one of the best snowboarding parts in the entire world so many people come to Okemo just to experience the thrills of snowboarding that they can’t find elsewhere.
Sugarloaf in Maine is among the smallest ski resorts out there but it also is located at the second highest peak in all of Maine. They also offer a great place for people to hike with snowshoes if they just aren’t interested in skiing down the slopes. While they only offer 40 slopes, all of them are very exciting, even those that are designed for beginners.
Of course when you are looking for the right ski resort to visit, there are plenty of things to consider besides the overall ranking. Take a look at how far you will need to travel to get to the ski resort. Find out the cost of lodging there and ski packages so you can make sure it will fit into your budget. Figure out how you will get there as some ski resorts are high in the mountains and the road conditions aren’t always the best.
You also need to make sure that particular ski resort offers the activities you want to participate in. While all of them offer ski slopes not all ski resorts have ski jumping or snowboarding options. If you are interested in these types of activities then you need to make sure the ski resort you visit offers them.
There are plenty of excellent ski resorts for you to enjoy. Go online to see what all your options are as well as the best deals. This way you can find one that offers something for all the skiers in your party and it will be affordable.
Most people like Apex Mountain Resort because they offer a wide variety of slopes based on skill level. Approximately ½ of their slopes are for intermediate skiers and they have more for advanced skiers than most other ski resorts. It is also a very affordable ski resort with plenty of activities to do in the evening.
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While Bretton Woods only offers about 20 slopes for expert skiers, many of them are said to be the very best in the world. One in particular called Bode’s Run is definitely worth the challenge for any expert skiers that are able to tackle what ever they come across.
Colorado is well known as one of the top ski locations, and you won’t be disappointed with Copper Mountain. It has plenty to offer with 125 ski slopes and 22 ski lifts. There is plenty of variety of beginners including quality lessons for adults and children, intermediate slopes, advanced, and expert. They are also one of the few ski resorts to offer an all day childcare facility so you can take on the slopes and not worry about your children.
Okemo is found in Ludlow, Vermont and offers a complete ski resort that is perfect for the entire family to enjoy. This is a smaller size ski resort but one that offers plenty of charm and beauty for everyone to enjoy. They have one of the best snowboarding parts in the entire world so many people come to Okemo just to experience the thrills of snowboarding that they can’t find elsewhere.
Sugarloaf in Maine is among the smallest ski resorts out there but it also is located at the second highest peak in all of Maine. They also offer a great place for people to hike with snowshoes if they just aren’t interested in skiing down the slopes. While they only offer 40 slopes, all of them are very exciting, even those that are designed for beginners.
Of course when you are looking for the right ski resort to visit, there are plenty of things to consider besides the overall ranking. Take a look at how far you will need to travel to get to the ski resort. Find out the cost of lodging there and ski packages so you can make sure it will fit into your budget. Figure out how you will get there as some ski resorts are high in the mountains and the road conditions aren’t always the best.
You also need to make sure that particular ski resort offers the activities you want to participate in. While all of them offer ski slopes not all ski resorts have ski jumping or snowboarding options. If you are interested in these types of activities then you need to make sure the ski resort you visit offers them.
There are plenty of excellent ski resorts for you to enjoy. Go online to see what all your options are as well as the best deals. This way you can find one that offers something for all the skiers in your party and it will be affordable.
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